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- Original Title: Cible émouvante
- Date: 1993-08-18
- Language: French
- Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime
- Runtime: 87 Min
- Production Country: France
- Production Companies: M6 Films, Les Films Pelléas, Locofilms
- Rating: 6,9
- Casts: Jean Rochefort, Marie Trintignant, Guillaume Depardieu, Patachou, Wladimir Yordanoff, Serge Riaboukine, Charlie Nelson, Philippe Girard, Christophe Odent, Daniel Laloux, Philippe Harel, Pascal Pistacio, François Toumarkine, Patrick Zard, Thierry Balcon, Jacques Monnet, Jean-Noël Fenwick, Olga Baïdar-Poliakoff, Julien Cafaro, Antoine Parenti, Marie-Eve Dufresne, Gilles Henry, Pierre Salvadori, Pierre Salvadori, Hélène Viard, Philippe Eidel
- Overview: Into the solitary life of middle-aged hitman, Victor Meynard, come two people: Antoine, a youth who becomes Victor's apprentice, and Renée, a bold thief Victor's been hired to kill because she cheated a mobster. When circumstances prevent Victor from killing her, the gangster sends two more teams to do it (and to dispatch Victor and Antoine). Victor decides to help Renée, and the unlikely trio ends up at his house with his temperamental mother; there, as they hide out, Victor's attraction to Renée grows, she discovers his vocation and fears he's going to kill her, and an ultimate showdown with their hunters is inevitable. Watch Here: Cible émouvante
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FREE! Download Cible émouvante FullHD Movie Online Free. Wild Target (French: Cible émouvante) is a 1993 French comedy film directed by Pierre Salvadori. A remake directed by Jonathan Lynn was released in 2010. Cible émouvante (1993) I was immediately drawn into the movie by Victor's deadpan expression and uptight manner and watched his composure melt away Cible émouvante est un film de Pierre Salvadori. Synopsis:Victor est un tueur à gages vieillissant qui vit sous since it's based on 1993 French film Cible Émouvante. Nighy is unsurprisingly entertaining, Blunt manages to be more likeable than irritating, Remake de Cible émouvante, avec l'homme poulpe de Pirates des CaraïbesCertains se souviennent peut-être du premier film de Pierre Cible émouvante Wild Target Japanese Program Pierre Salvadori B5 size Doctor Zhivago- Original 9x12 1965 Movie Program- 36 Pages- Chaplin, Christie Compra Wild Target ( Cible émouvante ) Origine UK, Nessuna Lingua Italiana . This scenario doesn't appear to have the makings of an engrossing movie. Cible émouvantede Pierre Salvadori (1993), avec Jean Rochefort, Marie Trintignant, Guillaume DepardieuCe premier film de Salvadori a Directed by Jonathan Lynn; written by Lucinda Coxon, based on the film “Cible Émouvante” by Pierre Salvadori; director of photography, David Très fier de ce film, Jean Rochefort se livre avec son élégance habituelle sur Cible émouvante, mais également sur son enfance, ses parents et Buy Cible émouvante at a low price; free shipping on qualified Rien a voir avec les films suivants de Salvadori, plus "attendus" au niveau de Writers: Pierre Salvadori Starring: Jean Rochefort, Marie Trintignant, Guillaume Depardieu Duration: 87 mins. Directed by: Pierre Salvadori. Cible émouvante is a film directed by Pierre Salvadori with Jean Rochefort, Marie Trintignant, Guillaume Depardieu, Patachou, Year: 1993. Original title: Cible Wild Target (aka Cible Emouvante). Director/Writer: Pierre Better than the British remake (see film reviews), though Bill Nighy in the same role is equally good. Gallery of 1 movie poster and cover image for Cible émouvante (1993). Synopsis: Into the solitary life of middle-aged hitman, Victor Meynard, come two people: French flick Cible émouvante. In its intent more an Ealing comedy than an Anglicised French farce, the sloppily executed film lacks charm, Cible émouvante, Film Tueur professionnel méticuleux, Victor voit l'ordre de sa vie troublé par un jeune homme Cible émouvante (1993). Cible émouvante. Infos Bande-annonce. Pays: France; Durée: 87 min. Genre: Comédie policière; Réalisateur: Pierre Salvadori Film de Pierre Salvadori avec Jean Rochefort, Marie Trintignant, Guillaume Depardieu:toutes les infos essentielles, la critique Télérama, la bande annonce, les For maximum IMDb, view in our app. Get notified of new trailers. Rate movies and TV shows. Track what you want to watch next. Open IMDb App. No thanks Victor Meynard - JEAN ROCHEFORT- est un tueur à gages solitaire et infaillible qui, pour la première fois de sa carrière, commet deux erreurs:il engage un Téléchargez le film Cible émouvante en VOD. Pierre Salvadori a tout de suite occupé une place à part dans le cinéma français. Une manière invariablement Wild Target (a.k.a. Cible émouvante) - Original Movie Poster. Cible émouvante (1993) de Pierre Salvadori. Cibleemouvante Elle:Jean Rochefort incarne dans ce film méconnu un tueur professionnel Cible émouvante, un film de Pierre Salvadori | Synopsis:Victor est un tueur à gages vieillissant qui vit sous l'autorité d'une mère abusive. Une jeune et jolie The Trouble With You begins as a good big American action movie, apartment From Cible émouvante (1993), with Marie Trintignant, to Priceless (2006), with Нежная мишень (1993) — Cible émouvante. Всё о фильме: дата выхода, Нежная мишень (Cible émouvante) 20 мая 2010, «Cinema Prestige». Возраст. CIBLE EMOUVANTE. A film by:Pierre Salvadori. Victor Meynard is a professionnal killer. His domineering mother rules his life as he pursues a brilliant carreer in Cible émouvante. Directed by: Pierre Salvadori. Starring: Guillaume Depardieu, Marie Trintignant, Jean Rochefort. Genres: Crime, Comedy. Rated the #464 best Turns out it is definitely the same story, the main character is called Victor Maynard in both films. And, and the English title for Cible émouvante
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